Sunday, January 13, 2008

Now it's Fun!

As I mentioned before, I am pretty confused as to my vote this election. It's been interesting but not fun.

Ah, but now it's becoming a blast.

Bill & Hillary Clinton and associates have been accused of making disparaging comments about Obama, Martin Luther King, and perhaps blacks in general.
In case you haven't heard, here's a an article about it, from the UK:
Times on Line, UK, Hillary Gaffe.

I posted the following as a comment on a friend's blog, teasing him about his assertion that he unhappily plans to vote for Hillary as the least sucky of the Dem candidates:

So, C.S. is you still gwan vote fo dat ho now dat it come out dat dem Clintons is a buncha racist mofo's? At de leas, dey is dissin' black folk!

Bwah hah hah hah hah! The Clintonistas are are (wrongfully I admit) being attacked by the very people they intended to exploit to get votes! They're going up against a black guy instead of just a bunch of rich suits and they don't know whether to shit or wind their watches!

This is great! As a conservative, I am absolutely loving this. Their words are being twisted and misinterpreted in exactly the same way that they and other Dems have done to attack Republicans for decades!
"The shoe is on the other foot."

NOW, I am loving this election.

Hah! Today I read this article.

Oh, stop, stop, this is too rich, I can't take much more of this, I'll bust my sides laughing!
Bill "Slick Willy" Clinton, America's first black president, groveling, kowtowing, twisting like a pretzel trying to explain himself and associates to the black community!

Oh the infamy! Trent Lott, Don Imus, and now, Bill Clinton.
I'll bet he's way pissed that Chris Dodd got away with a supposedly nasty racist comment scott free.
Of course, Bill will also emerge without a scratch. He's smarter than his evil racist predecessors, his Teflon is as strong as ever, and his buddies in the news media will eventually rally to his side if they haven't started already.
Hillary on the other hand? Well, who knows?

Don't care. For the short time this will go on I'm going to enjoy it.
Then everything will be back to normal and I can hear all about what a bunch of greedy, stupid, racist, religious fanatics Republicans are.


R.A. Porter said...

I don't imagine the media letting go of this story anytime soon. This kind of story - like BJs and blue dresses - sells. Plus, and this is important, this isn't so much about the media's alleged leftward bias. This is about telling compelling narratives.

The story of Barack Obama is a compelling narrative for the press. It's got a great beginning, a solid second act, and they hope a good, dramatic ending. Hillary is and old, boring story and doesn't sell ad time unless she's crying and people are debating the authenticity of her tears.

Certainly there've been some racist comments out of the Clinton camp. The question is whether those comments came from the top, or from some phonebanker or canvasser. As for the things Bill's said, well, I think we both would agree they weren't racist.

2old4this said...

I absolutely agree that Bill said nothing racist. I also believe that the Clintons are not racist.

I must thank you for verifying something that I have been thinking about for a while, but was never sure of. That is the story of Obama being compelling and Hillary "old news."
I seriously think that this bodes ill for her. Without the media on her side, she is very likely doomed. She can only hope for enough feminists and racist Dems to bail her out (I find that pretty funny too). Well, that and enough people who realize that Obama is very likely all talk.

I had also forgotten the first law of journalism as I was so hung up on law 2's application to the Clintons.

Indeed, I may have many more chuckles coming my way!