Monday, October 22, 2012

This is frightening

This must be stopped.
Please, tell everyone about this. Write your government reps at all levels.

This is the worst thing to come out of our government ever. Think of history, think where this will likely lead.

Homeland Security graduates it's first class of FEMA youth

Supposedly for disaster relief right? Then why the guns, massive ammo purchases, armored vehicles?

The One referenced this back in '08. Never heard about it again after this little speech, though Rhambo did love the idea.

FEMA Youth, a warning sign years ago

We are in serious trouble. Don't think for a New York minute that these full time paid youth are only for natural disasters. What, you need a gun and armored vehicles to rescue people?

UPDATE: 5 November 2012

There are several articles out there that report related information. There are some that are not directly related, but report about similar programs or indirectly related info. I'll keep poking around and repost them here.

An article about a similar Boy Scouts program:

Scouts Training

In the next link, it's no surprise that an Eagle Scout has been chosen. I don't know if this fellow attended the type of training mentioned in the above link. But I'd like to find out.
As an aside, I remember years ago hearing some liberal folk talking about how the Boy Scouts preps youth for the military, brainwashes them, and so on. I dismissed it as crazy left wing rants It seems I haven't heard such talk since The One took office, so I have to believe that libs would have no problem with the Scouts performing paramilitary training now if only they would accept gays. And yet, now is when the Scouts are truly trained for war and paramilitary. I never saw this way back, though I have no idea when it really started.
Anyway, here is the possible connection.

Eagle Scout Accepted

On a different front, we see here that the Department of Homeland Security has an open order for up to 450 million rounds of bullets. You may not believe this, you may say that this article is simply not true.

DHS buys 450 million bullets

Before you dismiss this, here is a message from a Congressman regarding the purchase.

DHS buys in bulk

OK, buying in bulk makes sense. I actually like the overall idea of doing this. But did you note that FEMA is one of the organizations to receive some of these bullets?
Also, these are big damn bullets. And hollow point. Man these are serious killer rounds!

OK, big deal, 450 million over 5 years would work out to 3 or 4 rounds per person per day.
Yes but those aren't the only purchases.
DHS is also looking for 175 million rifle rounds.

.233 caliber bid

Hmmm, put this all together with one of many executive orders and a very nasty picture emerges.
Here is the order itself, if you would like to read it.

Executive order

Here is an article that explains the order. Also, these folks have done an excellent job in putting together links to other nasty orders and laws. If you are in a hurry, just read and click the links in the last paragraph of it.

Executive Order explained

OK, now maybe I'm connecting dots where there are no dots. But I see it this way.
Obama signs an Executive Order basically allowing full Martial Law and the total revocation of all your rights and property. And it isn't truly clear what would trigger this.
The Boy Scouts have been running armed response drills for years.
FEMA now graduates a 'youth corps' that can be armed and is trained. Possible connection to the Boy Scout drills?
DHS orders millions of rounds of bullets. Some slated for FEMA.

I really see something emerging.

Now here is a website for Police Chiefs. This particular page is about ordering cool stuff like armored vehicles. Note the Q&A.

Police Chief magazine article

FEMA authorization? Note the third paragraph of the first Q. Last couple of sentences. Needing an excuse are we?

As a small aside, if you didn't click the link, here is the FEMA first responder knowledge base. Terrorism and violent extremism portals. Clearly, FEMA is indeed working hand in hand with DHS, FBI, etc.

FEMA knowledge base

Who can we trust anymore?

Monday, October 15, 2012

Global Warming is Crap XV

2012 saw some great articles exposing the myth of global warming. So, I really want to catch up!

But I found a few interesting bits from 2009 and 2010, and I just don't want to go on without posting them.

Here's one from 2009 again (I really thought I was past that). The Goreacle, head of the all knowing AlGorian religious sect (aka "warmies"), pulled a slide from his most perfect show because, well, it was off base.

Gore pulls slide of disaster trend

Here are three articles, the one from 2009, the two from 2010, showing that the rising seas aren't rising so much. Have you heard of this yet? No? I'm not surprised.

Note that this first is from the NYT, a leftie publication that one would NOT expect to publish such things:

Study halves prediction of rising sea levels

And this Reuters article:

UN climate panel admits flaw

And another about changing their minds:

Climate scientists withdraw journal claim

Now, pay special attention to this next article. Note that it is from 2010. Just a few days ago (from this post), an article was published admitting the same thing. Why is this still news 2 years later? Could it be that most so called journalists don't want to argue against global warming, but instead want to continue scaring us with it? And facilitate the making of big money for their buddy Al Gore? AND offer an excuse for more and more government control, right up to UN world regulation?

Climategate U turn

Remember, this is admitted to again.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Global Warming is Crap XIV

I'm starting off here with 4 little tidbits, and finishing up with 2 great articles.

Well well, an audacious idea to save the world from certain doom. Or, maybe just a bunch of idiots. Highly educated, but still idiots.

Solar shield to reduce earth's temperature

This is just a little reminder of how government screws things up and ends up costing us all more money. Remember the cash for clunkers program? If so, you know it was a joke of a solution, but did you know that you had to pay taxes on your $4500?

Surprise Tax

Al Gore can be trusted, really he can. He has always had nothing in mind but saving the world and humanity. If ever anyone deserved a Nobel prize, it's world saviour Al Gore, yessiree.

Gore's dual role

Progressives (what a cute name they chose after Liberal became a bad word), detest Senator Inhofe. Call him all sorts of things ranging from various rabid versions of "stupid" to "evil." Suck it, because as you can see from the transcripts here, he predicted an event such as Climategate about 5 years before it happened. He knew what you warmies were about and how you behave.

Committee on Environment

And now,

Climate change is natural 

And now to wrap this post up, a short article from Science Daily.

The answer to the question is "no"

And so much for these links "being solidly into 2010."

Monday, October 1, 2012

Book: Luna Last of the Pagan Goddesses

The book is by Beau Allen Pacheco.

I haven't read this book yet, but I've read some non fiction stuff by the writer, and he's good. This is, in fact, his first shot at fiction.

Basically, Luna is a Roman goddess who reunites lost loves and she winds up in the 21st century, continuing her work. But, well, she's violent. Really violent. So don't get in her way.

There's not a lot more I can say about Beau or the book that isn't better written on the book's website.

So here's the link:

Luna Website

By the way, I'm not getting any kickback for this. I just like the guy and expect this to be a kick ass book.
However, I myself came across it from a Google ad, and you'll notice there's Google ads to the left. It's entirely possible that you'll see an ad for this book there. No need to click it, as it will take you to the same place as my link.

I have already emailed him asking to make an audio version, in addition to the paperback and Kindle now available.