Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Fun and Hypocrisy

Two points in this one:

1. I'm really starting to hope that Obama gets the nomination. I didn't much care before, I just enjoyed watching the show and laughing.
But now I find myself hoping for a Hillary loss. Not only because I'd like to see an end to the Clinton dynasty (Same as most of you Dems will rightfully enjoy seeing an end to the Bush dynasty), but because I don't want to see their dirty tricks succeed:

Obama's Education

I'd like to think that even Democrats would eventually get sick of their nasty crap.

2. Caught myself in a bit of hypocrisy and want to straighten it out.
I was ticked at Slick Willy for his sexual escapades in the White house. I'm not a total prude, but I really felt that he demeaned the office of the presidency with his inability to keep it zipped. I also don't like infidelity.
Well now I've been thinking of voting for Giuliani, who also seems to have wandering willy problems.
Why would I dislike Clinton and consider voting for Giuliani? Seems a little two faced to me, so I hereby drop any thoughts of voting for America's Mayor. Unless, of course, I find out that most of what I've heard about him is a bunch of media crap following the Second Law of Journalism (elevate Democrats & liberals, crush Republicans and conservatives) .
Gingrich falls into this category too BTW.

Now, I know that Slick Willy (Wet Cigar?) proved that one's character, sexual perversions and total lack of morals is meaningless to much of the American voting public. Perhaps I should give up on caring.

But I won't just yet.

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