Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Year of the Liberal

It occurs to me that McCain stands a slight chance of being our next president. I really doubt that a Republican will get it this year, but maybe.

Well, if McCain wins the Republican nomination, then that means that liberals "can't lose" this next presidential election! McCain is about as liberal as they come (He's what's called a RINO, Republican in Name Only), so even if he wins the presidential election, liberals still win.
Hell, even Romney is really not a conservative. So, to me, this is the Year of the Liberal.

On another note, some folks seem to think that conservatism is dead. Well maybe, but as Rush Limbaugh pointed out today, none of the Republican candidates are conservative, so the party is now fractured. We are stuck with voting for the least sucky candidate and we seem to have varying opinions of who that might be.

So, it looks like the primaries are down to McCain, Romney, Clinton and Obama.

4 liberals running in the presidential primaries.
You libs can't lose!

Eek! OK, OK, not Ron Paul

Wow, have I got me an education!

In my last post, I asked "why not Ron Paul?" as I didn't see anything outstandingly bad in his political record nor his website.

A fellow blogger pointed out that Paul is a racist and anti Semite among other idiocies.

I Googled these and found a lot not to like about Dr. Paul.

Most of what I found regarding his racism was a bit shaky. His detractors seemed to fixate on some newsletters that he may or may not have written during the 80's and 90's. I found most of the quotes to be accurate, though harshly worded, and some to indicate a racist attitude. But again, I can't be sure they were exactly his words, and he did take responsibility for them long ago and, really, let's move on (if you can forgive Senator Byrd, you can damnwell forgive Paul).

But then I found more on his opinions of Israel and Islam, and I found that very troubling. I found more about his endorsement by white supremacists, and his refusal to distance himself from them, indeed his possible support of them.

I could put in a whole bunch of links to articles and other blogs here, but I found this one page that pulled it all together and laid it all out so well that any other link is unnecessary:

American Thinker on Ron Paul

I cannot believe that a rational person could read that article and follow up on the references and still consider voting for Ron Paul.

I am putting a link to the blog of my friend that pointed out Paul's flaws to me, I am forever in your debt:

Thank you for setting me straight. At least as regards Ron Paul!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

McCain and a Ron Paul Question

As I mentioned before, it looks like it'll be Romney for me.

Even when I wrote about that earlier, I had a nagging doubt that maybe McCain wasn't as liberal as I thought. Well that doubt has been solidly put to rest:

NYT endorses McCain

If the Times likes him, he's ultra liberal.

As a matter of fact, I have decided that if McCain gets the nomination, I will absolutely not be voting Republican in this presidential election. I would likely vote for the Libertarian candidate. However, if Obama wins the Dem primary, I could find myself voting for him. Highly unlikely, but possible. If any other Dem gets it, then I will absolutely vote Libertarian.

And, as we all know, Giuliani has no hope. It'd be funny if he came out on top in FL, but no way. And I still have problems with his personal ethics.

As for the Republican primary, I may just vote for Ron Paul after all.
Now, everyone seems to think he's a nutcase, and I agreed with them somewhat because he seemed to be a little extreme, but here's some of his voting record:

On the Issues

and, as I've posted earlier, here's his own issues page:

Ron Paul 2008

Here's my question:

Other than wanting to pull out of Iraq, exactly where is Ron Paul crazy? I'm not seeing it. What am I missing? Why would I not vote for him?

He won't win the nomination, so it looks like its down to McCain and Romney there.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

'scuse me whilst I hurl

What a fairy tale:

NYT blog

Is there anything out there more useless than a blog from the Times? For that matter, is there anything more useless than the Times?


Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Fun and Hypocrisy

Two points in this one:

1. I'm really starting to hope that Obama gets the nomination. I didn't much care before, I just enjoyed watching the show and laughing.
But now I find myself hoping for a Hillary loss. Not only because I'd like to see an end to the Clinton dynasty (Same as most of you Dems will rightfully enjoy seeing an end to the Bush dynasty), but because I don't want to see their dirty tricks succeed:

Obama's Education

I'd like to think that even Democrats would eventually get sick of their nasty crap.

2. Caught myself in a bit of hypocrisy and want to straighten it out.
I was ticked at Slick Willy for his sexual escapades in the White house. I'm not a total prude, but I really felt that he demeaned the office of the presidency with his inability to keep it zipped. I also don't like infidelity.
Well now I've been thinking of voting for Giuliani, who also seems to have wandering willy problems.
Why would I dislike Clinton and consider voting for Giuliani? Seems a little two faced to me, so I hereby drop any thoughts of voting for America's Mayor. Unless, of course, I find out that most of what I've heard about him is a bunch of media crap following the Second Law of Journalism (elevate Democrats & liberals, crush Republicans and conservatives) .
Gingrich falls into this category too BTW.

Now, I know that Slick Willy (Wet Cigar?) proved that one's character, sexual perversions and total lack of morals is meaningless to much of the American voting public. Perhaps I should give up on caring.

But I won't just yet.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Narrowing the Possibilities

Well Feb 5 is just around the corner and I'm getting closer to deciding who to vote for.

Looks like it'll be Romney, not that I'm real enthusiastic about him.

Huckabee talks a great line of Republican ideals, but upon inspection his deeds have been mostly liberal Democrat. I'm also getting very turned off by his comments on religion and the constitution. Scary stuff.

McCain is a Republican in name only. Outside of the Iraq war, he has been a liberal Democrat. I like and admire him, but I can't see myself voting for him.

I do like Giuliani, the more so since NY liberals hate him. I could vote for him, but I doubt he'll still be running by then. If he is, I'll have to think about it.

Everyone seems to beleive that Ron Paul is a nutcase, which may mean he's the best of the bunch. I'll have to look deeper into why so many think so little of him.

So, if Giuliani doesn't run, and if I don't suddenly find merit in Paul, that pretty much leaves Romney. Oh well.

Thursday, January 17, 2008


I'm one of those follicaly challenged people who is too cheap and chemical phobic to use Rogain. So, in addition to my other disgusting physical defects, I'm stuck bald.

I bashed my head yesterday and now have a small cut prominent on my head.

It occured to me this morning that baldness occurs at proper ages for it to be helpful!

When one is born, the head is bald so that parents can immediately notice injuries to it.
Then, when one is old enough that they should be able to at least notify the proper people of a cranial injury, the head is covered in hair so that the injury will not clearly show and cause embarassment.
Finally, when one is old enough that mental faculties begin to regress towards the first stage, baldness returns so that the offspring or hopefully still lucid spouse will notice.

Baldness is therefore just a self perservation mechanism. Note, that this makes it likely that older people with a full head of hair are probably not as important to Mother Nature.

Of course, the fact that I began my torturous slide into baldness in my 30's could be some cause for concern.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Now it's Fun!

As I mentioned before, I am pretty confused as to my vote this election. It's been interesting but not fun.

Ah, but now it's becoming a blast.

Bill & Hillary Clinton and associates have been accused of making disparaging comments about Obama, Martin Luther King, and perhaps blacks in general.
In case you haven't heard, here's a an article about it, from the UK:
Times on Line, UK, Hillary Gaffe.

I posted the following as a comment on a friend's blog, teasing him about his assertion that he unhappily plans to vote for Hillary as the least sucky of the Dem candidates:

So, C.S. is you still gwan vote fo dat ho now dat it come out dat dem Clintons is a buncha racist mofo's? At de leas, dey is dissin' black folk!

Bwah hah hah hah hah! The Clintonistas are are (wrongfully I admit) being attacked by the very people they intended to exploit to get votes! They're going up against a black guy instead of just a bunch of rich suits and they don't know whether to shit or wind their watches!

This is great! As a conservative, I am absolutely loving this. Their words are being twisted and misinterpreted in exactly the same way that they and other Dems have done to attack Republicans for decades!
"The shoe is on the other foot."

NOW, I am loving this election.

Hah! Today I read this article.

Oh, stop, stop, this is too rich, I can't take much more of this, I'll bust my sides laughing!
Bill "Slick Willy" Clinton, America's first black president, groveling, kowtowing, twisting like a pretzel trying to explain himself and associates to the black community!

Oh the infamy! Trent Lott, Don Imus, and now, Bill Clinton.
I'll bet he's way pissed that Chris Dodd got away with a supposedly nasty racist comment scott free.
Of course, Bill will also emerge without a scratch. He's smarter than his evil racist predecessors, his Teflon is as strong as ever, and his buddies in the news media will eventually rally to his side if they haven't started already.
Hillary on the other hand? Well, who knows?

Don't care. For the short time this will go on I'm going to enjoy it.
Then everything will be back to normal and I can hear all about what a bunch of greedy, stupid, racist, religious fanatics Republicans are.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Candidate Info

I'll be 50 this year, I voted every election since I turned 18, and only once was I ever unsure about who was the best candidate. That time, I voted for Perot instead of the Republican. Even the Republican primaries were pretty clear, and I never gave a rat's ass about the Democrat primaries.

This is the most interesting primary I've ever seen, since this time I just don't know who to vote for or even consider. Which Republican candidate is best? Do I even like ANY of them? The Republicans have not been doing their jobs for the last several years and I'm pretty disgusted with the party overall. And the Democrats aren't looking all that bad this time around. I think in the Presidential election, I may just vote Libertarian, but I really do want to vote in the primaries (in CT, you can't vote the primaries if you are an independent, that's the only reason I have stayed registered as a Republican).

To help myself out, I have bookmarked the Issues section of each candidate's website, along with the Libertarian's and a general ratings site. I haven't read all of them yet. I deleted Biden's and Dodd's since they dropped out. Starts with Republicans:









Libertarian Party

Washington Post candidate review

Of course, this is just their talk, I guess I'll have to try and look at what they've actually DONE too.

The one that surprised me was Huckabee. I viewed him as an over the top, bible thumpin' hillbilly who would pardon Son of Sam if a preacher told him to, but damned if he didn't have one of the clearest, most concise, straightforward set of positions! I'm really going to have to give him another look, even though I can't stand the thought of such an ugly fat ass family in the white house.

Hope this list of links helps some other confused soul out there.

Update: 01-28-08:
I've removed a few more who've dropped out and made the links into actual links.