Tuesday, June 30, 2009

How About a Boycott?

I haven't posted on Michael Jackson because I was never a fan, so I had nothing to contribute. Would've been self serving and hypocritical.

But I am ticked at his father now:

Michael Jackson's Father Talks Record Label

Egad, what an ass!

I say NO ONE should buy a damn thing that he has a hand in! Easy for me to say, since I probably wouldn't be interested in the stuff anyway, but it would be sad if that jerk made dime one from THAT performance.

How can someone be so cold? I look at my kids, I look at my friends with their kids, I can't even imagine any of us being so calm and selfish. It's creepy.

Like I mentioned, I've never been a Jackson fan. But this is one dirtbag that absolutely should not have outlived his child.

1 comment:

2old4this said...

Something seems awry with the email comment notification, so I'm commenting on this one myself to test it.