Thursday, June 18, 2009

Global Warming is Crap VII

Conflicting data it seems. Just ask a farmer.

Crops under stress

But of course GlobAL GOREming will not be denied. The soldiers of truth shall carry on despite the ignorant self destructive naysayers.

Too narrow a time frame? Global warming (more accurately, GlobeAL GOREming. I got that off another blog or article, can't remember where for the life of me. If I ever find out, I'll credit it) is a long term thing? Can't use individual incidents to try and prove/disprove it?
Right you are:

Dying Aussie Bats

Geez, when it's hot out, that's global warming. When it's cold out, that's global warming.
Any science going on around here anywhere?

On a slightly related subject, I do have to defend public transportation after reading this article. I couldn't sleep otherwise:

Think twice about 'green' transportation

Well, this seems to be putting the cart before the horse so to speak. Mass transit becomes more efficient as more people use it. Sure, it could be less efficient than a car or even SUV if there's few riders, but if I were in a position to use it, I would ignore this 'few riders' logic.
I do want to point out that those who revile SUVs and large cars across the board are boneheads too, as one would have to measure energy use per passenger and big vehicles are pretty efficient when you pack the family in them.

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