Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Give doze Dems a break

I've noticed that the Democratic congress has been getting poor grades of late. Now, being a Republican, I find that funny. I really enjoy it.

But I have to admit that it seems more than a bit unfair.

Hell, they've managed to do a bunch of stuff, such as upping the minimum wage. I guess their constituents believed the hype that they were going to ride in on white horses, er, mottled horses (white is evil right?) and change the whole wide world.

Nope, sorry. Napoleon pulled off that 100 day thing, but we have no Nappy's these days.

For crying out loud, cut them some slack.
Bush vetoes right? What, they can stop him from doing that? How?
The Republicans still have some power (Nyah, nyah), and the Dems really have to try and work with them at least somewhat. Keep in mind that this is harder now because at least half of the Republicans that got voted out were moderates who would have been at least somewhat willing to compromise. The Republican party is far less moderate than it was just 10 years ago. Oh, by the way, what sort of message do you think that sends the remaining Republicans?

Also, things are going better in Iraq, which is bad for the Democrat party. Then too, their buddies in the media have cut back a bit on Iraq reporting (always negative), which allows the good news to come in clearer. Not good for Dems as this bolsters Republican resolve and decreases the possibility of any concessions, along with decreasing the publics negative view of the conflict somewhat.

No, it seems to me that the Democrats in Congress have tried and done a fair job considering all that is still against them.

"Do nothing" is an unfair label.

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