Saturday, December 1, 2007

Free Speech Still Alive, kind of

Yeeeeeha! Don Imus is back on the air!
Mark your calendars, December 3 2007 from 6am to 10am on WABC, the same channel that brings us Rush, Levin, Hannity, etc.

Now I had quit listening to Imus years ago, as he just didn't seem very funny anymore. He spent most of his time bitching like any grouchy old fart. Hell if I wanted to hear how everyone in the world is "tedious" I could hang out at a retirement home.

But when Sharpton and Jackson used him as a vehicle to put themselves back in the spotlight and reaffirm their positions as leaders of the black community, getting him fired in the process, I was mighty upset.

I will listen to Imus now on my drive into work. I don't care if he's funny or not. I don't care if he just sits there and makes rude noises and drools. I'm listening to him simply because I'm glad those asshats didn't win completely.

Oh, and I'm going to really enjoy listening to and reading all the whining, like this:

LA Times Whine

Bwah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

And again I say:

Bwah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

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