Thursday, January 15, 2009

Stark Contrast

So The One's inauguration is going to be a wonderful event. Bush's was an inappropriate expenditure.

God I hate the media. Can they sink any lower?

AP Inauguration funnies

Actually, I think the cost mentioned in the previous article for The One's extravaganza is a bit low, as we see here.

Cost Soars!

At the time of this writing, that works out to just under $160 million.

And here's a 2005 Salon editorial bitchin' about how the media didn't attack Bush for the outrageous inauguration costs.

Giving Bush a Pass

While I'm at it, check out the results of a Salon search on the keywords "Bush" and "inauguration"

Search Results

Now view the results of "Obama" and "inauguration"

Search Results

I'm not picking on Salon exclusively. To me, they are merely another liberal propaganda machine purporting to be a news organization, just like the NYT.
Of course, if one went to Rush Limbaugh's site or Sean Hannity's, I'm quite sure one would see a similar bias level in the opposite direction.
I just happened to come across this on Salon's site.

Do you begin to see why I always filter the media?

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