Thursday, March 20, 2008

Disappointed, Still Fun

Well aint I the sucker (sucka?).

Obama had me fooled. Might as well admit it, since it's pretty clear from my previous posts.
I really felt that a vote for Obama was sort of a vote against politics as usual. Mind you, I still believe that the Clintons are the poster children of self serving politics, but I now see that Obama is no better after all.

So Obama has been attending the church of a racist asshole for about 20 years. He first denies having ever heard anything bad, yet now admits he heard quite a bit. He writes in his book that his grandmother was scared by an aggressive black panhandler, then in his speech says she was scared of random black men passing by.

Possibly worst of all, Lady Obama indicates that she has never been proud of her country. Damn. That woman has no business setting foot into the White House, not even as a visitor.

There's more, but you get the picture.

So now I can't vote for Obama at all.
Yet I still can't vote for Hillary.
And I sure won't (knowingly)vote for an artificial Republican.

They have nominated a female candidate!

I shall have to investigate as I know nothing about her. I admit I haven't checked up on them for a long time. I was nervous about them as there was actually serious talk of nominating Ron Paul.

Fun, fun, fun!

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