Monday, February 11, 2008

Hillary Wants to Finish the Job

of looting and trashing the White House that is.

Old news that the Clintons allegedly stole items from the White House on their way out. Furnishings, silverware, China dishes and such. Not sure if it was ever proven, but of course I believe they did, seems just like something they would do. These allegations were denied by Bush, Cheney and the GAO, so I'm being a wee bit xenophobic here.
But I still think it's true and they just agreed to put everything back when they got caught and sweep it under the rug.

Now we see that they hire like minded people:

Rent Not Paid

Things are looking good for Obama, and I gotta say I'm glad. You'll never hear crap like this about him or his supporters. Fabricated or otherwise, it just wouldn't fly.

Maybe Democrats are starting to really care about character, ethics and morals, rather than who's going to give the biggest free ride.

I for one am hoping so.

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