Monday, April 1, 2013

Global Warming is Crap XX

One of the accusations the warmies like to hurl at skeptics is that we cherry pick our starting points.

For example, the temperatures haven't gone up for about 20 years, leading many to question global warming. I must agree that 20 years isn't enough to determine a trend. But neither is 50 or even 100 in my book.

Note however, that the warmies are finally admitting that global warming hasn't increased for about 20 years. They got very upset whenever the stall in climb was mentioned before, going so far as to eject those who brought it up at meetings.

Here is an article that reports several possible explanations for the warming trend's hiatus.

Twenty Year Hiatus

Here is a paragraph from the article:

International Panel on Climate Change chairman Rajendra Pachauri recently told The Weekend Australian the hiatus would have to last 30 to 40 years "at least" to break the long-term warming trend.
OK, so we skeptics are full of beans for finding a 20 year stretch significant (and again, I agree that it probably isn't). But note that they do seem to find 30 or 40 potentially important.

So with 30 to 40 years in mind, on to a chart.

This is an example of one the warmies like to break out to put us skeptics in our place.

Global temp chart

Look at that huge climb from the late 70's right up to 2000. Ye Gods, we are gonna fry!
Well now look at the 0 point for temperature anomaly. Note that from about 1978 right back to 1850 the temperatures were abnormally low, except for a brief period around 1940. Looking at it that way, we still see a sharp rise. But it is only a high anomaly for about 20 years, after which point it will level off, though the graph ends at just past 2000 so doesn't show that.
So, a 20 year hiatus is not important, but the 20 years before that is. Let's go back further, as many warmies do. Let's start at 1950, and we see a much larger change. Heck we could bounce around and pick points to prove anything here. And we're looking at over 150 years. It would be best to start at 1850, and hand it to the warmies that, yeah global warming is real, and looks to be man made when you figure the start of the industrial revolution.



Let's just cut the crap shall we?

65 million years

Is that long enough to determine a trend warmies? Hell we don't even need that long, how's about 5 million years? 10,000?

Here's a quote from the article:

Temperatures are only considered to be increasing if viewed for the last 150 years, from 1850 onward, which is roughly when thermometers began collecting global data, and is also the period of time the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has chosen for its review.
Oh well how very interesting. That chart in the previous link. That's the data the UN uses to prove global warming is real and is certainly man made.

So warmies claim us skeptics are bought by the oil companies, practice pseudo science, and lie about everything.

Yet they base it all on a measly 150 years.

Suck it warmies.

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