Monday, June 13, 2011

Horse chestnut

Varicose veins are one of my countless physical defects.
WTF does that have to do with horse chestnut? Read on.

It had gotten to the point where there was some pain, and my legs felt very tight. Made riding a motorcycle a lot less pleasant for sure.
I do not remember where I heard or read it, but I got the information that horse chestnut pills would help.
Now there are many typical synthetic western medicine cures and treatments for varicose veins, but I couldn't afford nor put up with any of them. So I had nothing to lose.

I bought a bottle at a health food store and took the recommended dose for about a month. It made a noticable difference! The pain was lessened, my legs didn't feel so tight and they felt a touch stronger.
I continued with just one pill each night for another month and a half or so, and I no longer felt anything from the affliction.
My wife told me that the bulging (yech) had gone down by a good 80% in her estimation.

I then found that I could just take two or so pills a week to maintain. But being absent minded, I often forgot and went as much as a month without any.

The affliction came back. I started back on two a day for a few weeks and it subsided. Now I'm doing one each night, and will back off a bit more soon.

Folks, this is a relatively inexpensive, safe, natural way to treat varicose veins. I highly recommend it.
Having said that, I will tell you that my father tried it and claims it did nothing for him. I cannot vouch that he followed directions nor that he used it long enough.

One problem I have with it is that I'm allergic to trees, horse chestnut apparently being one of them. This is the main reason I try to bring the frequency of use down. My allergies really kick in when I take two a day. Not too bad at one a day. And hardly at all when taking a few times a week.

Again, if you suffer from varicose veins, before you shell out for operations, try the horse chestnut. I can't guarantee that it'll work for you, but it's not expensive and you'll know in a month, so there's little to lose.

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