Monday, February 11, 2013

Global Warming is Crap XVII

I'm doing something I should have long ago, clearly separating sections that go with each link.

Right off, this is one of the most damning bits of evidence that the warmies have been lying and playing with numbers.

Global Warming Stopped 16 Years Ago

So it looks like the warmies may have been right back then. Maybe. But they never updated their info.


This has been gone over before, but it bears repeating. Warmies like to say "follow the money." Well, yes, by all means, let's follow the money.

Al Gore Has Thrived


Now, even though I don't think global warming (or climate change, if you're into repackaging) is caused primarily by man. I don't believe it is as bad or dangerous as made out to be.
Nonetheless, I do think we should make every reasonable effort to lower pollution. I do feel that it is better to strive for cleaner technologies. But that must be balanced with costs, and the UN has never been one to consider costs when trying to mandate.

UN Frustrated With US


Note that this fellow claimed that "there has been no global warming for 16 years." That did not go over well. Of course, you have only to read the article in the first link of this post to see that he spoke truth.

Lord Monckton Evicted From UN Climate Summit

Warmies do not care about truth. They only want to hear the voices that agree with them.
Disagreement will not be tolerated.


Until next time, stay warm!

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